WorldFood Varšuva paroda balandžio 10-12 diena
WorldFood Varšuvoje turi platforma kuri skirta sujungti ir vykdyti verslą su daugiau kaip 4738 maisto produktų ir gėrimų pramonės pirkėjais, veikiančiais Rytų Europoje. Šis renginys susivienija regiono platintojus, mažmenininkus, gamintojus ir asociacijas. Šie atstovai ieško naujausių naujoviškų produktų rinkoje.
Tekstas originalo kalba.
WorldFood Warsaw provides a platform to connect and conduct business with over 4,738 food and beverages industry buyers operating in Eastern Europe. The event brings together the region’s distributors, retailers, manufacturers and associations. These representatives are searching for the latest innovative products on the market.
Not only is the event a place to conduct business, WorldFood Warsaw’s extensive and informative business programme make it a place for sharing knowledge with some of the industry’s most influential food and beverage experts.
Product sectors
The WorldFood Warsaw exhibition incorporates specialised sectors: FoodTech, Ingredients, Wine&Spirits, EcoFood and ColdChain.
International and domestic companies present the following products:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Baby foods
- Bakery products, yeast, gelatine, starch and soy products
- Canned and tinned goods
- Confectionery products
- Convenience food
- Dips and dressings
- Dried fruit and nuts
- Flour–based food and pastas
- Food additives and supplements
- Food ingredients
- Fine food and gourmet products
- Fresh produce
- Frozen food
- Grains and cereals
- Bakery products, yeast, gelatine, starch and soy products
- Fish, frozen fish products and seafood
- Spices, flavourings, colouring agents and enzymes
- Sugar and sweeteners
- Jams, honey, molasses and halva products
- Meat products, sausages and poultry products
- Milk and dairy products
- Natural and organic food
- Non-alcoholic beverages
- Vegetable oils and olives
- Gluten-free food and products for infants
- Tea, coffee and cocoa
- Equipment for the production of food and beverages
- Refrigerating, heating and dilering equipment
- Software systems, automation and IT services
Pradzynskiego St. 12/14
01-222 Warsaw
WorldFood Warsaw Exhibition will be open for visitors from 10 to 12 April 2018
10th April 2018 (Tuesday) 10:00-17:00
11th April 2018 (Wednesday) 10:00-17:00
12th April 2018 (Thursday) 10:00-15:00
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